Strategic Economic Action Plan

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The Main Streets on Halsey project is a collaborative effort between the Cities of Fairview, Wood Village, and Troutdale to create a shared vision for the Halsey corridor and look at opportunities to make Halsey Street a unique and vibrant place for residents, businesses, and visitors. The three cities, along with Multnomah County and Metro, have worked with community members and stakeholders to develop recommendations to encourage new investment and make the corridor safer for people walking, biking and driving. Twenty-one sites along the corridor have been identified for their development and redevelopment potential, many of which are likely to develop in the next two to ten years, adding new housing and jobs to the corridor.

Fregonese held a series of stakeholder interviews to better understand the issues that define the Halsey Corridor and to developed trust within the community. Representatives of a cross section of the community, including governmental, neighborhood, business, nonprofit, and faith-based leaders were interviewed. Throughout the plan creation process, the team facilitated five public charrettes to understand existing conditions as well as strengths and weaknesses of the area, develop a shared vision, discuss potential future scenarios, and identify potential development projects along the corridor. At a final open house the team informed the community about the content of the draft plan and proposed actions.